My Rain Cloud

In this final poem reflecting on the hardship of my couple years, I talk through the messiness of messiness and the value of a trusted counselor. When it's hard to laugh, when small talk takes great effort, when you're afraid you're too much of a downer or a burden, when all you want to do is [...]

By |2017-02-20T22:07:01-05:00November 7th, 2016|From My Writer's Notebook, Poetry|2 Comments

Peace Floats

Sometimes, what starts as a good thing can consume you until you're certain you won't live through it. Most often, you do live through it only to be left with an anxiety you simply can't shake. But sometimes, by the grace of God, you can learn to do that good thing again in the way [...]

By |2017-02-20T22:07:07-05:00October 31st, 2016|From My Writer's Notebook, Poetry|2 Comments
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