In keeping with where I’m from and since this website is still relatively new and we’re still getting to know each other, here’s a different approach to the Where I’m From poem, talking specifically about my hometown.

I Come From

by Sarah Steele
December 2008

I come from Otsego
where the people “Come to Work, Come to Play, Come to Stay”

where the city baseball diamonds form the best maze for bike riding and rollerskating

where Hardings is better than any Walmart could ever be

where the school, the church, and Grandma’s house are all less than three miles away

where the city is really more country than city, and we like it that way

where the internet connection doesn’t travel across the river…which is where we live

where we ride our bikes more than we drive our cars

where the summer reading program had leather backpacks and Walkmans to earn

What city do you call your hometown? Do you have more than one?
